Klang der Seele - Christoph Kapfhammer Singworkshops mit Liedern aus aller Welt (Afrika, Russland, Balkan, Alpenland, Mantras ...)




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Chorsommer 2025

Chorsommer 2024








sing-meeting with Christoph - Saturday 3 - 4 o clock pm

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Due to the Corona situation, I thought about an online sing-along option.
Once a week, on Saturdays from 3 to 4 p.m., I invite you to sing along online.
I will sing with you with my guitar and my Russian singer friends and learn songs from different cultures and in different languages. Sometimes we will also learn simple polyphonic songs, whereby my fellow singers will help me.

You can participate, listen and sing along from home (from your computer or smartphone).

Please register beforehand so that I can send you the access code!
Just answer to any email, you got from me

Below you can see a little demo video about how this will work.

There are several ways to participate:
1. Download the free Zoom software to your computer from www.zoom.us/download - this is basically the most practical option if you want to participate more often.

2. you go to the homepage www.zoom.us and click online on "join a meeting"

3. You download the Zoom app onto your smartphone (via playstore, for example) and use it to join the meeting.

You have to register with me in advance to be able to attend the meeting (the broadcast).
To do this, you either simply reply to one of my emails, or you go here to register online.

Participation in a singing group (including from November 28th) costs

- at the normal price 8 euros (the 6-subscription costs 40 euros)

- at the reduced price (according to self-assessment) 4 euros (the 6-subscription reduced costs 20 euros)

- for the simple supporter price 12 euros (the 6-subscription single supporter costs 60 euros)

- for double the supporter price 16 euros (the 6-subscription double supporter costs 80 euros)

The supporters help people with little money to get a discount. Hopefully everyone will be able to participate.

Please transfer to the following account:
Jan Dangendorf
IBAN: DE47200411110587612300
Note: "Singtreff - and which price or which subscription"

In the morning of the singing meeting (until 10 a.m.) I will send the lyrics of the songs
and the unique access code (invitation link) by email.
Then enter this at Zoom and you're there.
Zoom will ask you to save this invitation link. This is not a problem. Just agree!
So you will get an email from me with the access code before every singing meeting that you have paid for.
Please check the spam filter to be on the safe side if no corresponding message gets through.

You can join in from 14:45 and communicate with the other participants if you want.
In the beginning, your sound and video are turned off by default. You can turn it on yourself if you want.
There is also a chat available for this.
At 3 p.m. I mute all participants and turn off the chat.
It is then no longer possible to hear the other participants.
So you only hear what I sing with my singing friends and yourself.
If the others could be heard, this would not be a pleasure because of the time difference on the Internet ;-).
Please also make sure that your sound is switched off from 2pm to 3pm.

You can print out the lyrics of the songs yourself (I sent them to you beforehand).
But they can also be seen in the picture (which is not really easy to see without a sufficiently large screen.)

At 4 p.m. after the singing meeting, I turn the sound and chat back on and you can still enjoy the aftermath together. In the chat it is possible to write something to all or to a single participant.

There will be a video of every "Singtreff" (singmeeting) that will be available on youtube for everyone who has paid until the next singing group. You can watch the whole thing several times, or later if you don't have time on Saturday at 3 p.m.

Here you can find a video from the 1st Singtreff (20 minutes) on youtube.